When reading through my Magnificat magazine this month, something caught my eye. The Stations of the Cross have always been one of my favorite Lenten practices, and I love the way that our school displays them in the hallways so students can pray them any time. So I was really excited to discover the Via Lucis, or Way of Light, described in the magazine. The Via Lucis are 14 Resurrection stories that follow the gospel accounts of the Risen Christ.
So this last week, my class has been learning each of the 14 Stations of Light.
Via Lucis
1. Jesus Rises from the Dead (Matthew 28: 1-10)
2. The finding of the empty tomb (Luke 24: 1-12)
3. Mary Magdalene meets the risen Jesus (John 20: 11-18)
4. Jesus appears on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13- 24)
5. Jesus is known in the breaking of bread (Luke 24:25- 35)
6. Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem (Luke 24: 36- 49)
7. Jesus gives the disciples his peace and the power to forgive sins
(John 20: 19-24)
8. Jesus strengthens the faith of Thomas (John 20: 24- 29)
9. Jesus appears by the Sea of Tiberias (John 21: 1-14)
10. Jesus forgives Peter and commands him to feed his sheep
(John 21: 15- 19)
11. Jesus commissions the disciples upon the mountain
(Mark 16: 14-18 )
12. The Ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:6-12)
13. Mary and the disciples wait in prayer (Acts 1: 13-14)
14. The Holy Spirit descends at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11)
Each student worked with a partner to read the story in the Bible and retell it in their own words. They also wrote a short three sentence prayer to connect the station to their own lives. Then they created stained glass windows to match the events of the station, using paper. This took a little longer than I had hoped to put all the way together, but this week we will be replacing the Stations of the Cross with the Stations of Light.