Somehow, in the Lentiest Lent I’ve ever had, Holy Week snuck up on me. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been able to go to church in person for several weeks. Maybe it’s because my “classroom” is currently whatever portion of the dining room table isn’t covered with playdoh tools and watercolor supplies. Maybe it’s because I spend large portions of everyday with only a 3 year old for conversation. (3 year olds are not known for keeping track of dates in the liturgical year.) Whatever the reason, Holy Week is only days away and I’m not SURE that I’m ready. Scratch that. I’m sure that I’m NOT ready.
For the past few years I’ve posted daily reflections during Holy Week. You can read last year’s reflections on the 7 sorrows of Mary or the reflections from the year before about the 7 last words of Christ by clicking on the links. (You won’t find all seven there, but it will give you the starting point for the series.) My amazing coworker Corinne turned these reflections into retreat booklets for our students, which you are welcome to use with your teen or middle school student as a Holy Week journal. There are a few markers that will indicate our school or the year we used them, but other than that I hope that they will be a helpful resource for you and your family during this Holy Week at home.
Just a note- these were designed to be printed or photo copied back to back. When you first print them, if they are single sided, don’t be alarmed- they will form a book! Just imagine you are photocopying two sided and arrange the pages like that.
And this year, starting on Palm Sunday and going through Holy Saturday I will be reflecting on and writing about the 7 I am statements of Jesus that are found in the Gospel of John: I am the bread of life, I am the light of the world, I am the gate, I am the good shepherd, I am the resurrection and the life, I am the way, the truth and the life; and I am the true vine. In a time of isolation and uncertainty, I find the images of Jesus that he gave us in the I am statements to be very comforting, and I hope you will too.